“My mom knew when she got a border collie, that my energy level would be through the roof! Before I ever arrived in Denver, she had already checked out The Big Backyard for doggy daycare to help me burn off steam. Instead of leaving to go to work every day, my mom is a stay-at-home web designer. But I don’t think when she is at home that she should be working. I think she should just play with me!.
Us border collies have what some people might call OBCD (obsessive border collie disorder). If my mom is working and I get bored, sometimes I decide to help around the house or the yard, doing things like yanking up all of the loose landscape fabric and putting it into a pile. So when my mom is busy with all day meetings, or on a deadline, or has a crazy schedule that may keep her working a little late, I get to go to The Big Backyard for the day, where my creative energy can be expended in a constructive manor. When I come home, I’m usually pretty tired so I don’t mind if mom is busy, I just take a much-needed nap! Thanks Big Backyard!”